Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia and ALS
Pham K.I am Pham. I was diagnosed as ALS(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) PSMA and PBP Type (Progressive spinal muscular atrophy and progressive bulbar palsy) by Georgetown Hospital and John Hopkins Hospital when I was 52 years old. My situation was getting worse and worse after two months treatments.
I visited acupuncturist Yao Hao's office on 11/06/2003 with my last hope for help. When I came to his office, I could not speak clearly. I had hard time swallowing and chewing. My facial muscle shook frequently. My hands, shoulders, and lower limbs were very weak and muscle atrophied. It was hard to hold staff with my hands and raise my shoulders. And it was hard walking with my lower legs, and muscle was shaking when I walked. My doctor thought the situation would be getting very worse quickly and I would not be able to move and breathe soon. I hoped to try acupuncture and Chinese herb supplements for help. Acupuncturist Hao started treating me with acupuncture and herb supplements three times a week from 11/06/2003. After three months, I felt I was getting much better. The symptom of hard swallowing disappeared, and I can speak clearly. Also my facial muscle and body muscle shaking alleviated much and the symptom became very slight. I can raise my hands without problem. I was able to continue working as a barber. At the same time, I can drive normally. After 6 months, I started getting treatments once a week. When I am not feeling well, I will get treatments twice a week. Until 10/16/2012, my situation keeps good and stable. I feel a little bit weak but my work and life is not getting worse. I can still drive as well. Every year I go to Georgetown Hospital and John Hopkins Hospital for checkup. I was told all of the other patients who were diagnosed as ALS at the same time as me died already except me. The doctors are amazed that I am still alive. I really appreciate acupuncturist Yao Hao's help in these 10 years. He has taken care of me and saved my life with his excellent skill and more than 25 years' experience. I have witnessed Yao Hao takes care of his each patient with his dedication and he makes all efforts to help us. I would like to say "Thank you" to acupuncturist Yao Hao from the bottom of my heart. |
Debra T. - SpringfieldI have been treated by acupuncturist Yao Hao for over four years and I most highly recommend him as an outstanding professional in his field. I have Fibromyalgia and I used to take daily prescription pain meds (Vioxx!) until I started seeing Mr. Hao. Currently, I take Tylenol maybe once every other month: a huge improvement. He also treats me for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and has helped me more than any medication. My Plantar Fasciitis was so bad that I had difficulty walking and was told by my family physician that I would need cortisone shots. Instead, I went to Yao Hao and my PF is GONE without any shots. In addition, I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and was referred by my family doctor to a surgeon. Before agreeing to surgery, Mr. Hao treated me and the surgeon said I didn't need surgery anymore. Mr. Hao has helped my sinus pain and my osteoarthritis pain. Both my health and quality of life have improved immeasurably since I started seeing Yao Hao. I have referred several people to him and they have all been highly satisfied. In my opinion, Mr. Yao D. Hao is nothing short of amazing!